Jobs in North Little Rock, AR

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300 open jobs in North Little Rock, AR


Subway - Team Member

72116 North Little Rock, Arkansas
4 days agoPart-timeRegular Employment

Locum Physician (MD/DO) - Pathology in Arkansas

72205 Little Rock, Arkansas
4 hr. agoFull-timePermanentFixed working hoursContingent Work

Top Occupations in North Little Rock, AR

The job market in North Little Rock, Arkansas

With data compiled from reliable public sources and government organizations like the Bureau of Labor Statistics and the U.S. Census Bureau, Joblift provides you with essential insights to help you in your job search in North Little Rock, AR.

North Little Rock is home to a diverse array of industries, including health care, retail, hospitality, education, and manufacturing. This city offers ample opportunities for jobseekers across various sectors, ensuring a stable employment environment. The health care sector stands out as particularly important, providing essential services to residents while also generating numerous jobs. Retail and hospitality industries contribute significantly to the local economy, attracting both visitors and residents alike. Furthermore, educational institutions in the area create demand for skilled professionals, while the manufacturing industry adds to the overall economic strength of North Little Rock.

In this city, finding employment may present some challenges as the average salary is about 15.75% below the national average at $58,321 annually. However, the cost of living is considerably lower, being 24.0% less than the average, which could balance out the difference in wages. The commute time for workers is relatively reasonable, averaging around 19.5 minutes. Additionally, it is noteworthy that 38% of individuals are insured through their employers, providing a sense of security for those seeking jobs in the area. Ultimately, considering these factors can help jobseekers make informed decisions when evaluating employment prospects in the city.

In North Little Rock, Arkansas, the current unemployment rate stands at 6.10%, indicating a higher level of joblessness compared to the nation's average of 3.8%. Despite this figure, the city is anticipated to experience strong future job market growth, suggesting potential improvements in employment opportunities for residents. This combination of factors demonstrates a unique situation within the local economy and highlights the dynamic nature of the job market in North Little Rock.

North Little Rock offers a multitude of job opportunities to cater to various preferences and skill sets. To find the perfect fit for your career, start searching for jobs in North Little Rock on Joblift today!